Cameroun : l’ancien SG de la présidence Titus Edzoa plaide non coupable
Cameroun : l’ancien SG de la présidence Titus Edzoa plaide non coupable
Écrit par Xinhua | Yaoundé Jeudi, 25 Mars 2010 12:02
plaide non coupable pour les faits qui me sont reprochés", a-t-il
déclaré devant la barre. Michel Thierry Atangana, Isaac Njiemoun et
Mapouna, impliqués dans le même procès, ont aussi plaidé non coupable.
L’ancien secrétaire général (SG) de la présidence camerounaise
Titus Edzoa (1994-1996) a plaidé mercredi non coupable concernant des
accusations de détournement de deniers publics, de corruption et de
trafic d’influence.
"Je plaide non coupable pour les faits qui me sont reprochés", a-t-il déclaré devant la barre. Michel Thierry Atangana, Isaac Njiemoun et Mapouna, impliqués dans le même procès, ont aussi plaidé non coupable.
Manquait à l’appel le témoin du ministère public, Luc Paul Ndjock, expert commis par le Contrôle supérieur de l’Etat pour enquêter sur ce dossier, ce qui a amené le ministère public a demandé un nouveau renvoi.
"La demande du ministère public est pertinente par ce que l’expert qui a mené l’enquête doit être là pour éclairer le tribunal. Par conséquent, nous renvoyons le procès au 28 avril 2010 pour comparution et audition du 1er témoin de l’accusation", a déclaré Justine Ako’o, présidente de la collégialité des juges.
La défense critique alors que le ministère public et la partie civile cherchent à prolonger indéfiniment le procès. " Lors du dernier procès, l’Etat du Cameroun nous avait dit qu’il n’avait pas encore consulté le dossier. Aujourd’hui, il nous dit que ses témoins ne sont pas là, la partie civile avec. Encore une fois l’Etat du Cameroun n’est pas prêt à apporter la preuve des faits qui sont reprochés à nos clients", a relevé Me jacques Mbunyi, avocat de Michel Thierry Edzoa.
"Nous allons continuer à attendre. Malheureusement nos clients sont en prison. Mais notre souci, c’est d’être jugé. C’est pour cela que nous comprenons pas ce jeu pernicieux auquel se livrent les avocats de l’Etat", a-t-il poursuivi.
Le montant cumulé des supposés détournements de deniers publics reprochés aux 4 accusés depuis juillet 1997 s’élève à plus de 61 milliards de FCFA (environ 122 millions de dollars US).
La gestion des fonds alloués à l’organisation du sommet de l’Organisation de l’unité africaine (OUA) au Cameroun en 1996, aujourd’hui Union africaine (UA),la gestion des fonds alloué au comité de pilotage et de suivi du projet de construction des axes routiers Yaoundé-Kribi (Sud du pays) et Ayos-Bertoua (Est du pays), font partie des d’accusation du ministère public contre le 4 prévenus.
A l’issue du procès démarré en 1997, le tribunal s’était prononcé pour la libération de Michel Thierry Atangana, Isaac Njiemoun et Mapouna. Un appel du Ministère public a relancé le procès depuis le 25 novembre 2009. (Xinhua)
Lire aussi
Professor Titus Edzoa’s Seeding of G-11 – Part II of President Paul Biya’s Cabinet in Jail
Co-written and Edited by Innocent Chia The
arrest this Wednesday of the former boss of the National Petroleum
Depots of Cameroon (SCDP), Jean-Baptiste Nguini Effa, is but another
casualty in the all-daggers–drawn Fang Vs Ewondo ethnic rivalry. Even
as the Government of Cameroon dutifully makes its case of embezzlement
against Nguini Effa and conspirators, it will tread far off from the
motive that Effa’s real crime is that he is Ewondo from Ngoumou
Sub-Division in the Mefou Akono Division like Edzoa. Indeed,
Jean-Baptiste Nguini Effa rose to power under the wings of an anomaly
in the cabinet reshuffle of March 1985. In that reshuffle the
arch-rivals of President Biya were booted out in favor of his ethnic
Bulu / Fangs. The anomaly was Titus Edzoa. Irrefutably considered a
very smart, dedicated pediatric surgeon, Professor Titus Edzoa was a
workaholic employed at the Yaounde Central Hospital. He emerged as
Minister of Special Duties at the Presidency.
Edzoa Earns the Confidence of the Presidential Couple
Though an Ewondo, Professor Titus Edzoa was admitted into the exclusive bulu inner circle based on his outstanding work and support of Jeanne Irene Biya's charitable undertakings at the Baudelocque Children's Ward. Moreover, he is reported to have successfully performed a high risk surgical procedure that improved Paul Biya's vocal cords and discontinued his consumption of prescription medications with be-dazing side effects.
in demeanor, Titus Edzoa’s self-discipline - a top-seed black-belt
martial arts practitioner - and his grand master quest for deeper
understanding of ancient mystical order rosae Croesus principles
inspired trustworthiness from the Presidential couple. He quickly
became the loyal confidante to Jeanne Irene and Paul's personal
with the knowledge, access and active participation; the timing of
Titus Edzoa' Presidential assignments are relevant in understanding the
serious allegations of illicit enrichment, massive economic defrauding,
unlimited financial improprieties and cartel-like operations of Paul
Biya & Friends Co. Ltd.
Edzoa was brought into the inner circle as co-project manager together
with the now deceased First Lady, Jeanne Irene Biya. Their mission was
to extract at least CFAF 3.2 billion from the government capitalized
SCB bank for the construction of a modest retirement home attached with
a jet-field and 9-hole golf course at Mvomeka. Like every other
Presidential clan member, Titus Edzoa's "management fee" was a “paltry”
CFAF 120 million (US$240,000) "gift" with verbal I.O.U. guarantees to
be discharged by Cameroonian Taxpayers! By 1988, when their lemon deals
burst, the Presidential vultures' balance sheet recorded operational
losses of CFAF 48 billion from state-owned corporations and CFAF 150
billion from SCB. Titus Edzoa is credited to have managed pressure
valves and the satanization. Edouard Koualla - a former SCB General
Manager and Etienne Ntsama's successor who became Secretary General at
the Presidency - supervised the relocation of another famed former
General Manger of SCB, Robert Messi Messi
overseas (Canada). In 1989, Titus Edzoa’s trademark karate mentality
was written all over the high-handedness that was deployed in crushing
rampant street demonstrations by retrenched workers of liquidated state
owned corporations, as well as multiple unsuccessful attempts at
relocating street vendors and the University of Yaounde student crisis.
In 1990, it was Titus Edzoa's idea to whip tribal sentiments by
recruiting drug-addicted, homeless, and jobless beti hoodlums and
providing them loaded guns and machettes in the name of "auto-defense"
to threaten, harrass and attack the pro-reform student group
"parlement". A few months later, when Paul Biya reluctantly announced
the reintroduction of multi party politics, Titus Edzoa secretly
brokered a truce between the Bulus and Ewondos culminating in the
reintegration of Gilbert Andze Tsoungui
as Minister of Territorial Administration. In 1991, after assessing the
negative political and economic consequences of Paul Biya's
inflammatory declaration that "a sovereign national conference is
irrelevant", Titus Edzoa is believed, together with Jeanne Irene Biya,
to have conveyed the Vatican's mediation proposal to dialogue with the
opposition. By November 1991, while Paul Biya lured the Catholic church
to participate in the Tripartite Conference in exchange of prosecuting
assassins of Yves-Joseph Marie Plumey, Archbishop Emeritus of Garoua,
his wife's health was deteriorating rapidly. Thus, Titus Edzoa was
confided the dossier and asked to give it his full attention. By March
1992, Paul Biya's popularity was in the gutters, his invincibility
shattered irretrievably, and the ruling party was thrust into the
minority as opposition parties gained 92 out of 180 seats. In a
desperate struggle for his political life, and despite ethnic attacks
between the arab- shoas and kotokos in the Far North Province, Paul
Biya successfully whipped up anti-Peuhl sentiments of Dakole Daissala
against Bello Bouba, a peuhl from the North Province. Titus Edzoa
performed the special duties (corruption) of cash delivery in ensuring
that a Dakolle Daissala private fund was set up in the budget
autonomous Ministry of Post and Telecommunications. On April 9, 1992,
Titus Edzoa became Minister of Higher Education with the mission to
crackdown, disrupt and disband student protests that had become the
bedrock of civil unrest and believed to be pro-opposition. Titus
Edzoa's version of higher education reforms included the substituting
of government funded scholarships with tuition payment. He equally
"decongested" the riot center University of Yaounde by creating new
government universities without funding, infrastructure and staff! With
the passing of Jeanne Irene Biya on July 29, 1992, it was evident that
Titus Edzoa, the physician-counselor had demonstrated exceptional
professionalism, commitment and attachment to the extent of warranting
unmatched confidence and trust from President Biya. The secret transfer of unlimited Presidential power to Titus Edzoa
Paul Biya entered the October 1992 Presidential campaign already
weakened by his defeat during the first post multi party elections,
handicapped by the psychological isolation of widower-hood and
threatening to use Emah Basile's tribal weaponry of cleansing
"Anglo-Bami" from the capital city. As variously reported within the
intelligence community, Paul Biya, in the company of Titus Edzoa and
other tribal war-heads, mandated G. Andze Tsoungui to do all beyond his
powers in securing the President's re-election. Without much ado, G.
Andze Tsoungui simply reversed Fru Ndi's electoral gains to the benefit
of Paul Biya thus securing his re-election. By 1994, Cameroon had
regained relative political stability with Paul Biya rewarding himself
with a trophy wife, 38 years younger. The newly-wed President developed
more honeymoon interests than conducting government business. He
however suspected that in his absence his Secretary General at the
Presidency, Joseph Owona – a formidable legal mind with an oversized
ego - could seize the Presidency. Consequently, a less ambitious and
laid back personality was suited for the position of Secretary-General
at the Presidency, hence the appointment of Professor Titus Edzoa on
July 21, 1994. Fifteen days later, Paul Biya secretly outsourced
unlimited Presidential authority to Titus Edzoa through a power of
attorney contained in decree N0 94/157 of August 4, 1994, stating inter
alia that: • Article 1: "...The Secretary-General shall sign all
contemporaneous administrative instruments on behalf of the President."
• Article 2: "...The Secretary-General shall ensure the management and
operations of National Security Personnel, including the appointment of
staff up to deputy directorship at the Presidency." • Article 3:
"...The Secretary-General shall use his discretion in determining
relevant matters requiring the President's attention." Our political
and legal consultants at Chiareport concur that although it is common
place for elected officials to delegate authority to their high level
staff in order to expedite administrative procedures, transferring the
authority to determine the "management and operations of national
security personnel" should be construed for all intents and purposes as
excessive abuse of Presidential power.
It is note worthy and appropriate to point out that this transfer of
unlimited Presidential power was issued at a time of war between
Cameroon and Nigeria, with both nations disputing the territoriality of
the oil rich Bakassi peninsula. On August 31, 1994, Titus Edzoa
received another milestone appointment, chairman of the Board at
Cameroon Hydro-Carbons Corporation (SNH), the black-box money machine
considered to be the source of Paul Biya's extraordinary fortune. By
1995, the Ayangwe-Elad-Munzu axis had successfully restated the
Anglophone minority federated state proposal to the international
community and the regime became the focus of various human rights
groups. Under Titus Edzoa's leadership, the Presidency launched a
public relations campaign undercutting the SCNC with a promise to the
Commonwealth that a Cameroonian membership would effectively guarantee
the protection of Anglophone minority rights. Under the same strategy,
Paul Biya campaigned as peacemaker to become the chairman of the O.A.U and host of its 1996 summit, a project that was successfully masterminded by Titus Edzoa to the utter discontent of the Bulu-Fang Republicans. Bulu-Fang Conspiracy against Titus Edzoa
Titus Edzoa distinguished himself within Presidential circles as
self-effacing bureaucrat. He was fluent in English, Italian, Spanish
and all major beti languages including bulu, unbeknownst to
Fang-Republican clansmen. He not only became Paul Biya's rising star,
he was the liberator and enforcer of the buffer zone in containing the
spread of Fang-Republican influence and the brazen plunder of economic
and financial resources His appointment as Secretary General at the
Presidency, in replacement of Professor Joseph Owona - founding patron
of Fang-Republican ideological institute of Essingan - was considered
heretical and a challenge to their power consolidation objectives. By
1994, plans were underway for the privatization of some State-owned and
run corporations, including National Telecommunications Corporation
(Intelcam). Upon review of Intelcam's net worth of CFAF 500 billion,
Titus Edzoa determined that France Telecom's offer was far below fair
market price. Moreover, in Titus Edzoa's opinion, Intelcam was a
strategic national security asset that could not just be liquidated to
the lowest bidder. Consequently, armed with the unlimited Presidential
power of attorney, Titus Edzoa blocked the "privatization" of Intelcam.
This did not bode well for the General Manager of Intelcam, Emmanuel Nguiamba Nloustsiri,
of the bulu-fang republic who had excluded some major assets from the
inventory of the State owned entity. These assets were supposed to
become his personal property upon privatization of the company. In
1995, another bulu-fang republic storm was brewing between E. Akame
Mfoumou, Minister of State at the Presidency in charge of defense and
(late) Gen. Benae Mpecke, in-charge of Presidential security. The
matter was relative to the procurement and upgrading of weapons of the
defense forces during the Bakassi conflict. Professor Titus Edzoa sided
with the moderate Minister of Defense to the disgruntlement of the
Presidential Security boss! In 1996, Titus Edzoa issued a Presidential
directive requesting financial contributions from all state-owned
corporations into an O.A.U. organization fund. Loaded with a war chest
of nearly CFAF 60 billion and extraordinary drawing powers from SNH
accounts, Titus Edzoa, with surgical-style precision, personally
screened and approved all major service contracts. One of such
contracts was the leasing of luxury vehicles for use by various
delegations. There were many service providers without any experience
in the automotive industry seeking pre-qualification. Amongst them was
a subsidiary company of Frank Biya (eldest son of Biya). Eventually,
Titus Edzoa extended Presidential favors to Frank upon his partnership
with an experienced French-owned car dealership. Despite the resounding
organizational success of the O.A.U summit that was credited to the
tight-fisted management of Professor Titus Edzoa, the bulu-fang
republican hawks interpreted the skirmish with Frank Biya as
premonition for the former lining up for succession. He was "demoted"
as Joseph Owona's successor at the Ministry of Public Health!
was the beginning of a downward slide into an inferno from which Edzoa
Titus has never recovered. But it was an action as late as that of “Too
Late Hewitt”, the British Statesman who came too late to hoist the
British flag that would have given England complete dominion over the
territory of Cameroon. Titus Edzoa had surreptitiously heeded to
conversations with Ayissi Mvodo and began the planting of Ewondos in
all areas of national life, including in the schools of administration
and the army. In part three, chiareport will visit the modus vivendi
and modus operandi of the amorphous beast now known as G-11. It is a
fact that Atangana Mebara was Professor of Strategic Management and the
Director of the National Institute of Higher Management from 1994 –
1997. He was an Edzoa appointee and an Ewondo like Edzoa.