Cameroonians Diaspora demonstration against Biya’s rule scheduled in Montreal Canada for March 19th, 2011

Cameroonians Diaspora demonstration against Biya’s rule scheduled in Montreal Canada for March 19th, 2011

Diaspomod:Camer.beIn total solidarity with the people of Cameroon that has started since the 23rd of February 2011 a non violent campaign of manifestations in order to force out dictator Paul Biya from Office after 29 years of continuous autocratic rule and to put and end to his neocolonial predation regime, Diaspora For Modernity, an advocacy group of the Cameroonian Diaspora based in Canada is organizing a peaceful demonstration for the same cause on Saturday the19th of March 2011 in Montreal, Canada. More specifically, the event will be held at Canada Square, overlooking Marriott Château
Champlain hotel, between Peel and Metcalfe street, south of René Levesque boulevard in Montreal, on March 19th of 2011 from 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM. The nearest metro stations are Peel station of the Green Line and Bonaventure station of the Orange Line.

Diaspora For Modernity is not a political party, but rather an advocacy group of the Cameroonian Diaspora based in Canada, with the sole objectives of engaging in constructive patriotism and vows to further the entrance of our motherland into the industrial, economic and democratic modernity.

To get there, we at Diaspora For Modernity firmly believe that the people of Cameroon shall first acquire its full sovereignty, and unavoidably this will happen only with the establishment of truly independent, coherent and complementary institutions, tailored on our national needs and benchmarked each from the best practices enforced throughout the World in that specific domain of concern, geared to play the Check and balance of powers within our republic.
A truly Independent Electoral Commission and independent Corruption Commission to tackle corruption in our country are two illustrations of our line of thought.

Even though the establishment of independent institutions alone is not a panacea, they will however go a long way in solving our national problems. For example a truly independent electoral Commission will for the first time allows the people of Cameroon to solely and sovereignly choose their President of the Republic as opposed to the present dispensation where the former colonial master still makes that choice at our place from oversee based on its own neocolonialist and selfish interests. Those interests have consistently proven time and time again to be incompatible with our national interests, as the resulting mal governance of our country is there for all to see today.

Although our political philosophy described above are non negotiable, we totally reject violence of any shape or form as mean of our struggle. Our only acceptable weapons are mobilization, awareness awakening, persuasion, training in democratic best practices and good governance, contradictory debates, advocacy and peaceful demonstrations.

Therefore, we invite all Cameroonian patriots from both sides of the political aisle, whether from the governing party or from the opposition, that are sick and tired of seeing the world and our own neighbors such as Ghana advancing toward modernity and progress without our country to joint us at Diaspora for modernity, and to participate to our manifestation on Saturday March 19th 2011 in Montreal.

As far as the logistic of Saturday is concerned, we encourage you to each come with our Cameroonian flag or banners with circumstantial slogans written on them.

However, the only acceptable slogans are restricted to those reflecting upon official responsibilities of president Biya or his regime. Banners uttering personal attacks on Mr. Biya’s personal life, his human dignity or attacking his family are not welcome at this event.

Please pass the word around in your own personal networking circle; Joint us at this demonstration along with your friends or family members. Our people back home need your help and your solidarity for its struggle for democracy.

For any additional information, contact us via our e-mail at:
(Our web site will be unveiled soon).


© Correspondence : Michael Fogaing, Porte parole,Diaspora For Modernity

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