Saturday 27th July2013 at about 2.30 pm a combined contingent of armed
gendarmes and policemen invaded the premises of Mama Monica in kumbo
where over 120 delegates from the National Territory were attending an
SCNC National Council Meeting, chaired by Mr. Nfor Ngala Nfor, Acting
National Chairman. The meeting had barely begun when the Security Men
swept on them and ransacked the home of Mami Monica. Nfor Ngala Nfor is
barely recovering from an invasive surgery and requires emergency
medication and nutritional support in the recovery process.
The SCNC Members who were taken to different directions were finally dropped at 3 different locations for incarceration at the Gendarmerie brigade (40 members), Police station(30) and The Gendarmerie Company (50). Here the 30 men and 20 women have been cramped into one tiny cell with no ventilation and water.
Among the arrested people is Pa Solomon Ngong(82) and sick with no medical attention since Sunday, and Mrs. Evelyn Angum who is heavily pregnant and under distress because of the tight room and poor sanitary facilities. We fear she may lose her baby if urgent medical attention is not provided.
So far the Security and Administrative Authorities have not made any statement. It is a common phenomenon that each time such wanton arrests are made, members of the SCNC are usually subjected to many weeks or months of detention without charge or trial.
In the past 50 years, the Government of La Republique du Cameron, in disregard of any civilized norms has constructed and perfected a system of impunity designed purposely to deter the people of Southern Cameroons from challenging its varied policies of annexation and occupation. It has committed extra-judicial killings, systematic torture, deprivation of liberty and constant arrest and detention of citizens of Southern Cameroons. These methods were condemned in the ruling of the African Commission on human and people’s Rights (ACHPR) in Communication 266/2003 pitting Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun. Despite the demand of the Commission for LRC to investigate such acts of impunity, compensate victims and punish perpetrators, the Government of LRC has continued unabated in its course of violence against peaceful protesters.
We the people of Southern Cameroons will not be deterred by these acts of intimidation and targeted violence against unarmed civilians.
For and on behalf of the people of Southern Cameroons